From my 37thfloor hotel room, I look out over the concrete horizon that is Tokyo and am awed and intimidated by the vastness of this city – yet at the same time I am enticed by the culinary treasures it hides among its bustling neighborhoods and hidden alleyways.
The Food of Rome
Tagliolini alla Grecia, Da Francesco
Let me make one thing perfectly clear from the start when we speak of the food of Rome we are talking about a great variety of different types of dishes and ingredients. For me to review every facet of this city’s amazing array of flavors in one article would be an impossible enterprise.
Experience the Best Ethnic Food in London
London has become a frequent destination for me over the years, both for work and for pleasure. I have come to appreciate the variety of ethnic food options available when choosing a place to go out to have a delicious dinner.
The Search Begins for the Perfect Paris Bistro
What can be written about the Paris Bistro that hasn’t been written thousands of times before? And what can be said about the plethora of Paris bistros, wine bars and specialty food stores that hasn’t been told about in thousands of articles before this? The number is infinite.
The Emilia Romagna Tour Begins
Our excursion into the culinary heart of Emilia Romagna started on a gray and rainy morning as we headed up the A1 from Rome to Bologna.
Over one hundred and fifty million years ago the geological and tectonic forces that created the western Alps helped form what is known today as the valleys of the wine region of Burgundy.